The 77th In Silico Megabank Research Seminar will be held on Thursday, November 10. This Time, we will be welcoming Dr. Koji Yahara, National Institute of Infectious Diseases as our lecturer, and he will be speaking on “Method to infer the tracemarks of recombination and population structure and its application based on genome data”.
・Date/Time: November 10 (Thursday) 5:00 pm‐6:30 pm
・Venue: Conference Room 2 (1st Floor), Building #6, Tohoku University School of Medicine
・Title: Method to infer the tracemarks of recombination and population structure and its application based on genome data
・Lecturer: Koji Yahara (National Institute of Infectious Diseases)
*This lecture is transferable as a class in the medical research-related lecture course.
・Abstract: Mutation and recombination are the source of adaptive revolution of creatures which cause genomic diversity. Mutation rate is known to be high in certain regions within genome, and its relation with diseases is drawing attention. On the contrary, recombination is more difficult to detect than mutation. Especially, it is difficult to estimate the number of its occurrence. In the first half of this seminar, we will calculate the index of recombination rate at single nucleotide level along genome using genome data in bacterial genome and introduce new approach to infer recombination “hot regions” and its application to 11 types of pathogenic bacteria. In the latter half, the estimate of population structure which should be done at the very first of the process of population-level genome data analysis is to be discussed. Also, it is introduced that the as the first step method to detect the tracemarks of genome-wide recombination reveals the detailed population structure and also the method is useful to quantitatively understand the flow of genome information between populations.
・Organizer: Yosuke Kawai, Masao Nagasaki