ゲノム医学 I(Genomic Medicine I)(2023年前期)

講義名称:ゲノム医学 I (Genomic Medicine I)
開講年度・開講期: 2023年前期
日時:  PandA オンデマンド
場所: オンライン(PandA)
単位数: 4

(授業の概要・目的)This course will be focused on providing the knowledge which are necessary to understand Genomic Medicine. The topics cover from basic genetics and genomics knowledge to novel analytical ways for understanding epigenetics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. The course will be provided as a lecture by expert researcher of each research field.

– Understand the basic concepts behind Genomic Medicine
– Learn experimental and statistical ways to analyze genomics and other ‘omics data

(授業計画と内容)The course is divided into three major categories (1) Basics of genetics, (2) Next generation sequencing technology, and (3) multiple omics approach. Researchers who are the experts of those topics will give lecture. Three special topics related to human disease genomics, namely, functional genomics, genomics of multigene family, and genomics of artificial intelligence will follow them.
Online classes and other information will be posted on PandA.

Basics of genetics (1) “Human genome and genetic variation” Dr Toru Tezuka 【Media class,on-demand type】

Basics of genetics (2) “Mendel’s laws, Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium, and Linkage disequilibrium” Dr Olivier Gervais 【Media class,on-demand type】

Basics of genetics (3) “Genetic relatedness and Population stratification” Prof Yoichiro Kamatani 【Media class,on-demand type】

Basics of genetics (4) “Genome wide association” Prof Yoichiro Kamatani 【Media class,on-demand type】

Next generation sequencing (1) “DNA-seq technology and population level sequencing” Prof Masao Nagasaki 【Media class,on-demand type】

Next generation sequencing (2) “DNA-seq technology and rare disorders” Prof Koichiro Higasa 【Media class,on-demand type】

Next generation sequencing (3) “ChIP-seq, HiC-seq, ATAC-seq, and single cell sequence” Prof Akira Watanabe 【Media class,on-demand type】

Next generation sequencing (4) “RNA-seq technology and analysis” Assoc Prof Shuji Kawaguchi 【Media class,on-demand type】

Omics approach (1) “Proteomics” Prof Yasushi Ishihama 【Media class,on-demand type】

Omics approach (2) “Metabolomics” Prof Fumihiko Matsuda 【Media class,on-demand type】

Functional genomics :”Functional characterization of a vasculopathy-associated susceptibility gene” Prof Shohab Youssefian 【Media class,on-demand type】

“Bioinformatics of Human Genetics” Prof Mathieu Bourgey 【Media class,on-demand type】

“Computation and genetics I” Dr Mario Foglio 【Media class,on-demand type】

“Computation and genetics II” Dr Mario Foglio 【Media class,on-demand type】

(履修要件)Student needs to have will to make use of genomics and other omics information into clinical medicine in the future.

(成績評価の方法・観点)Evaluated by Submission assignments.


(参考書等) Human Molecular Genetics 4th Edition ISBN:9780815341499


(その他(オフィスアワー等)) This class will be offered online in principle this Academic year.