第62回インシリコ・メガバンク研究会を下記のとおり行いますのでご案内いたします。今回は東京大学医科学研究所・Ashwini Patil先生を講師としてお迎えし、ネットワーク解析手法を用いた経時的な遺伝子発現プロファイルからの活性遺伝子サブネットワークの特定について講演していただきます。
・日時:平成27年8月21日(金) 17:00‐18:30
・演題:Identifying active gene sub-networks from time-course gene expression profiles using a network analysis method
・講師:Ashwini Patil(東京大学医科学研究所ヒトゲノム解析センター)
・概要:Time-course gene expression profiles are frequently used to study cellular response to stimulus and to infer molecular pathways involved in cellular response. I will introduce a method to identify active gene sub-networks with temporal paths using time-course gene expression profiles in the context of a weighted gene regulatory and protein-protein interaction network. The method uses a specialized form of the network flow optimization approach to identify the most probable paths connecting the genes with significant changes in expression at consecutive time intervals. We used this method to identify response pathways in the innate immune response using time course gene expression profiles of activated immune cells1 as well as the yeast osmotic stress response2. Using this method, we are now comparing the regulatory networks responsible for the distinct immune outcomes produced from different pathogens. Using these response networks, we would like to identify unique regulatory genes associated with each pathogenic component to help better understand the ways in which the immune response differs for distinct pathogens.